The Abmat Monkey Butt

It’s super humid in the gym one day and you walk in to see a WOD with an abnormally high amount of abmat sit-ups. Everyone’s first thought is “Abmat sit-ups?! F**k yeah!” You are all set and ready to cruise through these bad boys. After you finish owning the WOD sitting or laying in a pool of your own sweat, you retreat home to shower. While moving your bum under the water you start to feel a burning sensation right above your butt. “What the hell?” you might ask yourself. Yeah…. you’ve got the Abmat butt rash. So how do you avoid this next time around? Here are a couple of things to consider:

  1. Wear compressions shorts under your shorts to wick away extra moisture.
  2. Do your sit-ups with a yoga mat under your Abmat so that your butt isn’t rubbing against the rough rubber flooring.
  3. Avoid the tendency to wiggle and squirm as you try to speed through them. Slow down a little and make sure your not rubbin’ as you’re rockin’.
  4. Use some Monkey Butt or other friction reducing powder on your glory spot pre-WOD.