Lose Weight Fast?

So, you’ve done the underwater weigh and you’ve set your goals. Now, you’re ready to win the competition! You want to lose weight fast, right? Have I got a secret for you!

It is, in fact, possible to lose weight fast. It’s not very complicated. Basically, you’re going to do several hours of cardio every day and eat as few calories as possible. If you do this, you will likely lose weight fast.

However, you will also (just as quickly) gain fat fast as soon as you return to your normal lifestyle. So, beyond the fact that cutting too many calories makes you hangry (not hungry, hangry), you also lose precious muscle mass, and muscle mass is the key to keeping your metabolism up and running long term.

Weight Loss does not equal Fat Loss.

Weight loss is based on deprivation, countless diets (that don’t work), endless cardio followed by food binges, and an obsession with the scale.

Fat Loss is based on achievement and abundance, limitless food & exercise variations, resistance exercise + high intensity exercise, and consistent progress toward realistic goals.

Ready to make a lifestyle change? Ready to chase fat loss, and not just weight loss?

1) Chose whole, nutrient dense foods. Kale salad, steamed salmon, roasted sweet potato wedges, a few almonds. These foods will keep you feeling full and satisfied, without packing on the pounds.

2) Exercise! Choose short, high intensity intervals, paired with heavy weight training. See: Crossfit. This type of exercise builds muscle while blasting fat.

3) Manage stress, get plenty of sleep, drink enough water, and remember that this game is one part nutrition, one part exercise, and one part mindset.

You may have seen this image before. It shows one girl at three different weights. As she gains muscle and loses fat, she weighs a little more overall, but she is leaner, tighter, and more fit. It wasn’t fast, but it was effective. Chase fitness performance, not weight loss.  You may gain a little muscle, lose a little fat, and stop caring about the scale in the process!
