Paleo Zone

ZoneIn the last post, we discussed the mass confusion around the term “clean eating”. This week, we’re discussing how to make clean eating a reality. Paleo & Zone are, more or less, the official Crossfit diet programs. You can do all the research that you want about super foods & macro ratios, and you’ll find way too many options. The truth is that everyone is unique. Something slightly different will work for everyone. However, Paleo Zone is pretty darn good, and it works for a lot of people.So, save yourself a lot of research go with a template that works. After you’ve adopted this approach, you may want to tweak it slightly to meet your own needs. Some people might be able to integrate full fat dairy, some people might need fewer carbs, and so on. Still, this is a great place to start, and (for many people) this can easily be a lifetime nutrition program that consistently works.  Paleo tells you what to eat, and Zone tells you how much to eat. So, let’s say you want to give this whole Paleo Zone thing a whirl. Here’s how you can do it!

1) Find out your Zone prescription. Use this link. The final page will tell you that you should be eating XX blocks. Blocks are basically a way of creating balanced meals. Every meal will contain equal “blocks” of carb, protein, and fat. For example, you might have a 4 block lunch, followed by a 2 block snack in the afternoon.  If you’re interested in learning more, check out Enter the Zone by Barry Sears.

2) Now, choose your favorite paleo foods from this list of foods. Brussels Sprouts, Turkey, Avocado ….yum! If you’re eating a 4 block dinner, you simply pick 4 items from each list. If you’re eating a 2 block snack, you simply pick 2 items from the list. Don’t know what Paleo is? Check out this link.

3) Next, decide how much you need to buy for the week, based on your Zone prescription. For example, a 14 blocker would need about 14 oz meat/day, so about 6 pounds in a week. Veggies vary, but you’re likely looking at a few pounds of veggies per week.

4) Buy and cook that food! Paleo Zone doesn’t happen on accident! Check out Part 3 of this series for a few meal planning tips. (coming soon!)

5) Store the food in the fridge, and eat that yummy goodness all week!

Here’s a few mindset tips before you get started:

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. It’s better to eat a salad with a little bit of cheese and ranch, than to not eat the salad at all. It’s better to have some peanut butter (not technically paleo) on a banana as a snack than to find yourself hungry and gorging on cookies later. 80% of the time, eat well. 20% of the time, allow yourself some flexibility.

No one is responsible for your health but you. Yes, we know that Susie brings cake to the office meetings. We know that you work long hours. We know that you don’t like to cook. It doesn’t matter. Tough love time, guys! 🙂 If you want to be in your best shape ever, you’re going to have to give up all excuses and just do it. It’s worth it! Promise.

You don’t have to be uber-precise if you don’t want to be. Following the Zone perfectly isn’t easy. If you are willing to do it perfectly every day, then I applaud you. What a man/woman you are! For everyone else, just implement the key takeaways: eat enough protein for your body. Eat lots of healthy veggies. Make your meals balanced. It’s simple stuff: eat whole foods in the form of balanced meals. Not too much, not too little. Most people will benefit from measuring their food diligently the first week or two, and then can eyeball it after that.

Remember that the body composition challenge will be starting next month! Now is a great time to dial in your nutrition…and win a prize or two!

Want more? Check out these four posts!

EDCF Nutrition Part1 : Let’s Define “Clean Eating”

EDCF Nutrition Part 2:  Paleo Zone is the Way to Go! 

EDCF Nutrition Part 3: The Easiest Path to Paleo Zone

EDCF Nutrition Part 4: One Week of Meal Prep 

Build to a heavy 3 rep TnG power snatch in 4-6 sets

– hop on the rower and row 100m 75% pace between sets


Open Workout 14.1

10 min AMRAP:

– 30 Double unders

– 15 power snatches (75/55)


A) EMOM x6 min

– 2 power snatch (not TnG); building in weight


4 sets for time increasing in pace:

– 400m run

– 20 burpees

– 15 KB swings (53/35)

– 25 sit-ups

Rest 4 min

FREE Intro to CrossFit This Saturday!

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We would like to invite all individuals who would like to give CrossFit a shot to attend our bi-monthly FREE Intro to CrossFit class this Saturday at 11am. This class will go over exactly what CrossFit is, what differentiates East Dallas CF from others, and give you a taste of a typical CrossFit style workout.

Coming on Saturday? RSVP here.

A) 5 sets: 2 push press + 1 split jerk; rest 60-90sec

– PP should be TnG off shoulder, reset for SJ

B) Front squat @30X1; 3, 3, 3; R2-3M

C) 5 min @ 90%:

– Row 600m, then in remaining time

– 6 wall balls (20/14)

– 6 box jumps – SD (24/20”)

Rest 5 min x2

A) Close Grip Bench Press; 3, 2, 1, 1; R2-3M

– go for something if feeling it

B) Muscle up progressions

– 2×10 box pulls

– 2×10 banded transitions


EMOM MU x 1-3 or 3-5 reps for 6-8 min


10 min AMRAP open pace:

– 40 double unders

– 10 HR push ups

– 10 Deadlifts (135/95)


Come One, Come All!

As many of you know, the 2014 CrossFit Open starts up this Thursday and will run for the next five weeks. We are going to make an event out of it this year and hold a special time each week where those athletes who have officially signed up. Each Friday at 6:30pm the gym will go into Open-mode. At this time athletes can get judged to officially submit their scores. The regular 6:30pm class will be postponed until after the Open.

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Not competing in the Open? No worries! You can still do the workout (with scaling options) during one of Friday’s regular classes. We still want you to come and hang/cheer on those who are though. Come at 6:30pm this Friday and get loud! Each Friday evening event will be BYOB.

A) Squat clean cluster 1.1 x4; rest 15 sec/2-3 min (not TnG)


3 rounds for time (open pace):

– 15 thrusters 100/65#

– 15 CTB pull-ups


Sub with regular kipping pull-ups or ring rows. For those doing the open or CTB pull-ups, each rep has to be CTB to count, no exceptions.