
A) E2M x 6 sets:

– 5 BB push press (building)

After odd – 8-12/side half kneeling band row + reach

After even – 8-12 tough goblet squats


A) E2M x 6 sets:

– 3 push jerk

*Barbell starts from the floor.

*Build to a heavy triple.

Fitness & Performance

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 20 DB/KB walking lunges

– 10-20 DB rollback tricep extensions

– 30 sec L-sit or 15 sec/side

– 10 ring face curls


Conditioning Option

For time:

– 1000/800m row

– 30 box step-ups

– 30 DB snatch (50/35)

– 500/400m row

– 30 DB snatch (50/35)

– 30 box step-ups

– 1000/800m row

Programming: Dec. 18-24

Monday 12/18


A) E2M x 6 sets

Odd sets:

– 8-12/side SA DB bench press

– 8-12 BB good mornings

Even sets:

– 8-12/side SA half kneeling banded high row

– 12-16 hip extension marches (off bench)

*Last day for these movements

B) E90S x 10-15 sets:

– 20 single unders

– 3 DB hang squat cleans

– 6 push-ups

– 4 box step-ups


A) E2M x 6 sets:

Sets 1-2: 1 clean + 1 push jerk + 1 spit jerk

Sets 3-4: 1 clean + 2 split jerks

Sets 4-6: 1 clean + 1 split jerk

*Receive clean in full squat if able

B) E90S x 10-15 sets:

– 20 double unders

– 3 touch and go squat cleans (135/95)

– 6/4 push-ups

– 3 box jump overs (24/20”)

RX+ complete with 155/105 

Tuesday 12/19


E90S x sets 5-7 sets

1: 200m row

2: 12 SA DB hang power cleans (3/3/3/3) + 12 DB push press (6/side)

3: 200m run (scale run to top of fence)

4: 12 wallballs (20/14) + 8-12 strict pull-ups

5: rest


E90S x sets 5-7 sets

1: 250/200m row

2: 16 SA DB hang power cleans (4/4/4/4 @ 50/35) + 12 DB push press (6/side)

3: 200m run

4: 16 wallballs (20/14) + 12 pull-ups

5: rest

RX+ perform w/ no rest set for a total of 7-8 sets.

Wednesday 12/20


A) E4M x 3 sets:

– 8-12 DB or BB bench press

– 4-8 strict or 2-4 negative supinated pull-ups

– 8-12 sandbag hip thrusts off bench w/ pause

B) For time:

– 800m run

– 30 RKB swings

– 20 dips

– 30 hanging knee raises

– 20 dips

– 30 RKB swings

– 800m run

*Scale to 600m runs if needed


A) E4M x 3 sets:

– 8 bench press @ 2RIR

– 4-8 strict supinated/ring pull-ups

– 8/side shoulder external rotations

B) For time:

– 800m run

– 40 RKB swings (53/35)

– 20 ring dips

– 30 toes to bar

– 20 ring dips

– 40 RKB swings

– 800m run

Thursday 12/21


A) E2M x 8 sets (4 each)

Odd sets:

– 8-12/side half kneeling landmine press

– 6 toe drag box step-downs (R)

Even sets:

– 16 alt. KB gorilla rows

– 6 toe drag box step-downs (L)

B) 5 rounds for time:

– 12/9 cal row

– 5 double DB hang power snatch

– 7 hanging knee raise

– 5 up/downs



A) E2M x 8 sets:

Sets 1-2: 3 high hang snatch

Sets 3-4: 2 hang snatch

Sets 5-8: 1 snatch

*Receive in full squat if able

B) 5 rounds for time:

– 15/12 cal row

– 5 touch and go power snatch (95/65, 75/55)

– 7 toes to bar

– 5 burpees over the rower


Friday 12/22


A) E3.5M x 5 sets:

– 8 back or box squats

– 16-24 alt DB tall kneeling overhead piston press

– 8-12 tough ring rows

*heavier than last week’s 6s


A) E3M x 6 sets

Set 1: 5 back squats (building set)

Set 2-6: 5 back squats @ 1-2 RIR

*heavier than last week’s 6s

Fitness & Performance

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 8/side KB suitcase high steps

– 8-12 DB Romanian deadlifts @ 3011 tempo

– 8-12 banded OH tricep extensions

– 8-12 inverted BB row w/ pause


Conditioning Option

8 min AMRAP

– 30 double/single unders

– 10 reverse lunges

– 7 lemon squeezes


8 min AMRAP

– 30 double/single unders

– 10 KB swings

– 7 ring rows

Saturday 12/23


“12 Days of Christmas”

1: DB devil press

2: push-ups

3: DB thrusters 

4: hanging knee raise

5: DB hang power cleans 

6: pull-ups

7: DB push press

8: KB swings

9: calories rowed

10: box step-ups

11: wallballs

12: burpees


“12 Days of Christmas”

1: DB devil press

2: ring dips

3: thrusters 

4: toes to bar

5: hang power cleans 

6: pull-ups

7: shoulder to overhead

8: KB swings

9: box jumps – SD (24/20”)

10: calories rowed

11: wallballs (20/14)

12: burpees

RX+: 55/35 devil press, 115/75 barbell, 70/44 kettlebell

RX: 35/25 devil press, 95/65 barbell, 53/35 kettlebell

Scaled: 25/15 devil press, 75/45 barbell, 35/25 kettlebell

*Like the song “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc – for a total of 364 reps.

Sunday 12/24



EMOM x 5-8 sets…

Min 1: 12/9 or 10/7 cal row

Min 2: 8, 10 or 12 DB thrusters

Min 3: 8, 10 or 12 hanging knee raises

Min 4: 4, 6 or 8 up/down + box step-up

Min 5: rest


EMOM x 5-8 sets…

Min 1: 15/12 cal row

Min 2: 8, 10 or 12 DB thrusters (35/25s)

Min 3: 8, 10 or 12 toes to bar

Min 4: 4, 6 or 8 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

Min 5: rest

RX+ use 50/35s

Fitness & Performance

A) E4M x 4 sets:

– Close grip bench press

  • Fitness: 6-10 reps
  • Performance: 1-2 RIR @ 60%

– 5 DB chest supported batwing rows w/ 5 sec pause

– 5/side half kneeling banded twists w/ 3 sec eccentric

*Compare to 6/20


B) 6 rounds for time:

– 200m row

– 6 DB power cleans

– 24 single unders



B) 6 rounds for time:

– 250/200m row

– 6 power cleans

– 24 double unders


*Pick a weight on PCs that you can keep UB but will also challenge you in your later sets. Keep intensity constant throughout all sets.


A) E2M x 6 sets:

– 5-3-2-1-1-1 BB push press

After odd sets:

– 10-20 seated banded hamstring curls

After even sets:

– 10/side bent over DB/KB row


A) E2M x 6 sets:

– 5-3-2-1-1-1 push jerks

*Heavier than 5/25

Fitness & Performance

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 8-12 DB incline press

– 12-16 DB/KB death march

– 4-8 strict pull-ups (weighted, bodyweight, banded)

– 1 lap suitcase carry


Conditioning Option

8 rounds for time:

– 200m run

– 12 RKB swings 

– 8 KB box step overs


A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 6-10 bench press

– 4-6 eccentric pull-ups

– 6-8/side banded twist @ 3010 tempo

*If you’re able to complete any strict pull-ups on your own, start off with those and finish with the eccentric reps.


A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 1 RIR bench press @ 65-70% 

– 6-12 strict ring/bar pull-ups (weighted if able)

– 6-8/side banded twist @ 3010 tempo

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 1 lap heavy sled drag or push

– 8-12 bent over BB rows

– 16-24 banded tricep push-down

– 20-30 sec/side side plank


Conditioning Option

For time:

– 800m run (sub row/bike)


4 sets:

– 10 plate ground to overhead

– 10 OH plate lunges

– 10 straight leg sit-ups


– 800m run

CF Open Workout 22.3

(RX) For time:

– 21 pull-ups

– 42 double-unders

– 21 thrusters (weight 1) 

– 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups 

– 36 double-unders

– 18 thrusters (weight 2) 

– 15 bar muscle-ups

– 30 double-unders

– 15 thrusters (weight 3)

♀ 65 lb, then 75 lb, then 85 lb

♂ 95 lb, then 115 lb, then 135 lb

Time cap: 12 minutes

(Scaled) For time:

For time:

21 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

42 single-unders

21 thrusters (weight 1)

18 chin-over-bar pull-ups

36 single-unders

18 thrusters (weight 2)

15 chest-to-bar pull-ups

30 single-unders

15 thrusters (weight 3)

♀ 45 lb, then 55 lb, then 65 lb

♂ 65 lb, then 85 lb, then 105 lb

Time cap: 12 minutes


A) E3.5M x 4 sets:

– 10 deadlifts

*Start light and build to a moderately heavy set


A) E3.5M x 4 sets:

– 10 deadlifts

*Set 1 @ 45%.

*Set 2 @ 55% 

*Sets 3-4 @ 55-60%

Fitness & Performance

B) “Helen”

3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 21 KB swings (53/35)

– 12 pull-ups

C) 3 sets:

– ring or floor FLR 30-60 sec

– 10-20 reverse snow angels