Programming Overview: May 29 – June 4 (N&WP Week 4)

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Our second group meeting is this coming Sunday, June 4th at 11am.
Wow it’s already week 4!  Any issues, questions, concerns?  We hope you guys are starting to notice changes in your body, maybe your sleep and how you feel at the gym and at work day to day.  Have you noticed any changes?
For week 4 our goal is to work on eliminating snacking as best we can.  Instead of snacking a lot or eating 3 large meals over the course of the day we are looking now to eat 4-6 meals/day plus your post workout shake.  If you don’t already drink a post workout shake, this is the week we are adding it in!  There is an insert about post workout shakes in the packet you received at our first group meeting if you need to reference back to it.
Another objective we have set for you guys to add this week is a goal for at the gym.  Would you like to make it to classes more consistently?  Want to learn a skill like double unders or toes to bar?  We would like for you to identify a goal for yourself at the gym to work toward over the remaining 8 weeks.  Set a goal and crush it!
Please let me or another coach know if you need help, have questions or need advice.  We are here to help and we want each of you to be successful.

Monday 5/29 – 9am only

Memorial Day Murph

– 1 mile run

– 100 pull-ups

– 200 push-ups

– 300 air squats

– 1 mile run

*Partition reps as needed (excluding runs).


½ Murph

– 800m run

– 50 pull-ups

– 100 push-ups

– 150 air squats

– 800m run

*Partition reps as needed (excluding runs).


Tuesday 5/30

A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

pause clean (video) + clean

*Build from 60-90% pausing 2 counts at knee cap on first clean. These should be squat cleans if able.


B) EMOM x 12-18 min (4-6 sets):

1: 250/200m row

2: 4-5 power clean + push jerk @ 60-65% C&J

3: 5 burpees + 20 double unders


*Scale DUs to 40 single unders


Wednesday 5/31

A) Four sets for quality:

– DB rear foot elevated split squat x 6-8 reps each leg @ 30X0


– 10-12 ring rows @ 2111


– DB rollback tricep extensions


B) 5 rounds for time:

– 6 DB burpee box step-overs (35/25 @ 24/20”)

– 10 T2B


C) Accumulate 3 min on FLR (ring or floor)


Thursday 6/1

A) AMRAP in 5 min:

– 400m run

– 30 RKB swings (70/53)

– muscle ups OR  burpee pull-ups in remaining time


AMRAP in 5 min:

– 10 wallballs (20/14)

– 10 perfect push-ups


AMRAP in 5 min:

– 400m run

– 50 double unders

– alternating DB snatches (50/35) in remaining time


AMRAP in 5 min:

– row for calories


B) 3 sets for efficiency:

– 10 kneeling pallof presses / side

– 15 reverse snow angels

– 30-45 sec side plank / side


Friday 6/2

A) EMOM x 10 min – push press

– Sets 1-5: 2-3 reps @ 60-80%

– Sets 6-10: 1 rep @ 80-100%


B) 4 sets for efficiency:

– 8-10 stiff leg sumo deadlifts @ 2011

– 1 min accumulated FLR

*SLSDLs slightly heavier than last week.


C) 4 sets for efficiency:

– 6-8 single arm DB press/side @ 2111

– 6-8 bend over DB/KB row/side @ 2111

– reverse sled drag (heavy, normal speed)


Saturday 6/3

8am Masters CF

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell/Open Gym

11am Free Intro to CrossFit


Sunday 6/4

8am Endurance

TBA – Open Gym