Three rounds, 15-12-and 9 reps, for time of:
– 135 pound barbell Thrusters
– 45 pound weighted Pull-ups

*If you can’t do unassisted pull-ups yet, try using the next smallest band.


November Challenge


Front Squats


Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
– Front Squat (use 70-75% of today’s 5-RM)
– Knees to Elbow
(Take barbell from the floor if you are capable of doing so.)

Five sets of:

Deadlift x 5-7 reps @ 31X1

Rest 20 seconds

Push-Ups x 10-25 reps @ 1010

Rest 3 minutes;


5 rounds for time of

– 20-Yard Suicide Sprint (5 out & back, 10 out & back, 15 out & back, 20 out & back)
– Dumbbell Ground to Overhead x 10 reps (35/25)

The Truth about big food companies

Why should you eat good, clean, unprocessed foods regardless of a little extra cost?

“Over the long-term, you always get what you pay for. Cheap food is very expensive once you add up the true costs — like the taxes you pay to subsidize Big Food companies, health consequences like obesity or diabetes, the devastating harm to our environment, and the inhumane treatment of animals raised within the industrialized food system.” <– Check out the link for the full story.


Four Sets of:
Push Jerk x 4-6 reps @ 20X1
Rest 90 seconds
Hollow Rocks x 20 reps
Rest 90 seconds;
and then,


three rounds for time of:

– 400m run

– 21 kettlebell swings (1.5/1)

– 12 pull-ups

Slow Death by Typing/Texting

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K-Star says:

Get correctly set up BEFORE you begin to text or type.  You cannot reclaim lost positioning once you’ve entered the texting tunnel. For every time you catch yourself in a poor texting/typing position today, you will need to perform 25 hollow rocks.  The penalty needs to be stiff.  You can change.  Make a better decision.  Now.